Monday, November 9, 2009

The Long History of Watch Making

For a number of years before the watch was a common sight, the standard for personal timekeeping was the pocket watch. Pocket watches are made in Germany in the direction is towards the end of the fifteenth century. The design of the early pocket watches was after the clock structured draft day.

What has various pocket watches became the mechanism of the clock, the balance wheel, spiral and a driving force used to go. The clocks of the timewas based on a combination of counter-weights and a swinging pendulum.

The basic structure of a watch not changed over the years, and still used two basic components. Watches all have some type of metal in the work on the inside of the clock. The case was usually made of three parts, the aperture, the back and the crystal together. Various metals were used for the cases of the early pocket watch cases, including silver and gold. Over the years, less expensive metals, including metal potand used stainless steel for the case. The design of the early watches made them susceptible to moisture and dirt that regular cleaning is required.

The gears and wheels, which were made of the internal clocks of the early works sandwiched between two metal plates. The pillar plate is closest to the dial. The upper plate was often made up of two pieces, but has better quality watches were made from a single piece upper plate. Both the upper plate and the column plate were processed accurately anddrilled. The location of the holes was because the assembly depended on to be precise. The four wheels that are part of the glass bulb works were to be the first wheel, the second wheel, the third wheel and running wheel. The running wheel acted as an attachment point for the mainspring. To reduce wear on moving parts, certain gemstones were used as bushings and bearings.

The motion needed to power the clock was fed by the liquidators of the most important source. The speed with whichSpring was settled by the inhibition, which is kept moving controlled by the combined effect of the mainspring and the spiral. The result was that driving an oscillating motion sixty gear wheel engaging the escapement wheel and transmitting motion to the minute hand. It meshes into the pinion of the wheel, the motion to transfer the hour hand. The movement was by a lever that controls that helical spring was connected. Move the lever to the left or toright increases or decreases the tension placed on the spiral.

Plate has used brass or steel to produce the panels for indoor plants. Often would be a master disk to be made will be processed and used to make exact copies. Early processing techniques could use a machine, the pantograph a duplicate of the master disk would produce abstained. The plates were trimmed and polished after machining. Gemstones such as diamonds, garnets, rubies and sapphires, garnets, rubies,Sapphires and diamonds would be cut into small slices and in gold. To see the installation of the works was very complicated and the necessary screws, which were the exact dimensions. The small gears needed for the motion were punched from brass dies with precision-made metal. The feathers were shaped by hand from fine spring wire.

Stamped dial faces of a base metal coated with enamel and the markings will be applied so as using a template. The dial is then fired in a kiln.Some watchmakers would turn the finished watches hot to cold temperatures around the clock operation test.

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