Recently I heard an excellent lecture by Dr. Jeffrey Cole (Director, Center for the Digital Future of the USC Annenberg School) on social networks, digital media and young people. His research and insights into this digital revolution we are growing by throwing an interesting light on our teen generation. Young people are using technology in ways we never thought of. All digital economy is geared up to develop new tools and things for the new generation. SocialNetworking phenomenon like Facebook, Orkut and others have shown how much influence this new generation has in determining the form of digital media. Dr. Cole lists some characteristics of the teenagers in this and our future digital generation.
You will never read a newspaper. But that does not mean that they do not want to stay informed. They get their news from sources other than print media. Some print media still continues to attract interest, for example, magazines such as VogueBazar and can not be replaced by online media, simply because the glossy paper, and the sniffable perfume ads can not be reproduced online.
You will never be a land-line phone. Mobile phone is their center of the universe. You want to communicate, socialize, talk, their information, may apply for financial transactions and conduct their business with their phones. You may have noticed that young people do not wear watches - they see the time on their mobile phones.
Theydo not watch TV on the schedules set by the networks. You want to create their own schedule - so Tivo, PVR, DVR, and YouTube!
Unknown colleagues more than they trust experts.
You are interested in at least the source of information - they only want the information.
Your Internet experience is focused on their communities. The popularity of shows for on-line social networks that youths. Get these communities to socialize and communicate. They also use it as atheir source of information.
They think that they are not affected by advertising and branding, but that is far from the truth. How many young people do you think a generic MP3 player would accept other than the iPod too?
They want to be able to move their content freely and easily from platform to platform. They will not just be content that it links to a particular device (such as your DVD player and TV) in your basement.
You want to be heard. That is why they are on Facebook, they are on these blogs, andother Web 2.0 media. As Dr. Cole said, they do not want 15 minutes of fame, glory as they would be 15 megabytes!
Instant messaging (IM, SMS, Scraps, walls) is their way of communication. They believe e-mail is for their parents.Being parents of teenagers, I could not agree with the comments Dr. Cole. I am sure you will too. Online social networking can be a great tool. I'm on Facebook and I'm on Orkut and Linked-In. However, I am not nearly used to the extent my children.For us it is rather a rarity, for it is their lifeline.
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