Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Italian Style and Watch Making

Switzerland is the highest authority in watchmaking. They do it for centuries and consider themselves the pioneers of the trade. However, in some other countries caught up with this trade. First, Japan started producing watches of average quality and lower prices. The Japanese took over the popularity of watches Swiss watches, as they were far more affordable, though not very catchy in looks. Now Italians have decided to give the Swiss a real hard time.

Italians areWatches making for centuries, but their clocks do not as much attention as the Swiss, as in the past won. They were copying the Swiss styles rather than with their individual styles and techniques. They have begun and are now so users can experience a rise in the popularity of Italian style watches. In fact, compared to some people now prefer Italian watches, as they will find much more than stylish Swiss watches.

The following is a classification of the ItalianWatches by their design.


These are the most popular type of Italian watches. The most common wrist watches with an Italian design includes an interface, which are studded with crystals or beads are put together. The main dial is usually round in shape with both hands, one for minutes and the other for hours. Some newer models also include the seconds hand, but most people prefer the older style. The basic design of these watches is very simple and does notexcessive and pageantry. The emphasis is on simple yet elegant.

Some watches also come in innovative designs that could include some aspects of the Italian royal past. There are intricate paintings inside the controller that constitute gothic, Catholic or Venetian style and images. The dial could also be a gold, pearls and diamonds. The dials, of course, fetch very high prices and mostly preferred by the rich and wealthy.

Ladies watches havedifferent styles of men watches, of course, they are more tender and studded with diamonds and pearls. Some have even rubies, topaz and other gems that are intelligently used to create beautiful designs. The watchmaking process usually requires a massive hand because machines can not be as complex designs.

Table / watches

Unlike the watches can be desk / pocket placed either on your bedside table, or can be stored in the bag. SomeEnthusiasts also put them in a locket and wear it. These watches are generally choose from a larger, that enrolled some great art in it, including painting or metal complex has functions. There are also some simpler versions of the table / / pocket with a basic design, but of course, are quite affordable and preferred by most people.

The diversity in Italian watches is almost endless. They offer something for every income group, but offer a unique style in each design. Table / bagClocks are not as popular as wristwatches, but have their own clientele.

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